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Simple Testimonials page problem


Hi all

I am trying to create a simple testimonials page, with using the new gridfield in SS3 I am running 3.1.0 and I also have silverstripe-gridfield-betterbuttons module, my code bellow


class Testimonial extends DataObject {

   public static $db = array(
      'Name' => 'Varchar(255)',
      'Testimonial' => 'Varchar(255)'
   public static $has_one = array(
      'TestimonialsPage' => 'TestimonialsPage'
   public function getCMSFields() {
          $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
         return $fields;      



class TestimonialsPage extends Page {

   public static $has_many = array(
      'Testimonials' => 'Testimonial' // Link the Testimonial Items
   public function getCMSFields() {
      $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
       // Create a default configuration for the new GridField, allowing record editing
       $config = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create();
          'Name' => 'Name',
                  'Testimonial' => 'Testimonial'
       // Create a gridfield to hold the student relationship
       $testimonialsField = new GridField(
       'Testimonial', // Field name
       'Testimonials', // Field title
       $this->Testimonials(), // List of all related students
       // Create a tab named "Students" and add our field to it
       $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Testimonials', $testimonialsField);
       return $fields;

class TestimonialsPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {


When I click save and add another button in CMS i get the below error in the CMS am I doing something wrong here? the record actually gets added also.

Warning at line 673 of /framework/forms/gridfield/GridField.php

Thanks in advance


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