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$LoginForm in SS3.x


Hi there, I have a short question ragarding the $LoginForm Variable within the Template of SS3.x

On 2.4.x I was able, to set this Variable somewhere within the Template and add the "LoginForm" to the allowed_actions within Page_Controller (Page.php).
The Loginform then appeared on every Page, that wass including the Template with the Variable.
When Using the Loginform and submitting some wrong Data from anywhere else other than /Security/login, I get automatically rediected to /Security/login, which then shows the LoginForm pre populated with my wrong credentials and the correct Error Message.
Instead, when I enter correct credentials from any Page, I get logged in and stay on this Page.

This is a very nice behaviour, which seems to be gone (or changed) on SS3.x

On SS3.x for my Test, I have put the $LoginForm Variable under $Content.
Now (on a plain SS3.x installation) I open for example the "about-us" Page and fill the LoginForm with the correct credentials. Then I got logged in and am still on the about-us Page.
When I try to use some wrong credentials, I do not get directed to /Security/login (like in SS2.4.x), instead I get directed to "Page not Found".
Similar Problem appears, when pressing the "Login as someone else" Button. Then I only see a blank Page (with the following URL http://ss30.test2.local/page-not-found/LoginForm for example).

Anyone any Idea, how to reimplement the previous feature from SS2.4.x? Or was this removed because of some Security Issues?



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