Just started to use SilverStripe 3.1.2. The cms/framework is very powerful and gives me a lot of flexibility.
That being said i seem to have hit a relative big problem for my current project.
It seems as if i can only add Virtual Pages at the root of the SiteTree. When i try to add a virtual pages in a children tree node if the properties $allowed_children is not set then i can add virtual pages. Since i want to restrict users to only being able to create Page 1, Page 2 and Virtual Page by setting the $allowed_children property of the child tree node class.
when i create a page, at the children tree node, I get an error when selecting virtual page: "Page type "Page" not allowed as child of this parent page"
here is the current code:
static $allowed_children = array('*Page','CartusHolder','*VirtualPage','CartusPage');
if I set the $allowed_children = array('SiteTree') or don't set it at all, I am then able to create Virtual Pages no problems,
Any help would be appreciated.
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