In Wikipedia at
it says the following
Notable features of upcoming releases of SilverStripe include:
Complete transition to jQuery library (currently uses jQuery with a mixture of older JavaScript frameworks.)
At the time of writing this post, the above Wikipedia article was last updated in Oct 2013.
Has the latest release of Silverstripe now made a complete transition to the jQuery library?
If not does anyone know if this is on the horizon and when this is likely to come to fruition?
The last version I used was Version 2.4.7. Silverstripe then used a mixture of older JavaScript frameworks such as Prototype in addition to jQuery. I found that this introduced a number of issues when I tried to write my own modules which used jQuery. Unfortunately not all these issues were resolved by writing all jQuery code in a closure and swapping the $ prefix with the jQuery prefix. In fact I found myself fighting with require and requirement statements in various modules in a bid to try to resolve conflicts.
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