I hate it when simple things trip you up. In my SS2.4 site I had the following line to collect all future events pages:
$littlechildren = DataObject::get("ArticlePage", "ParentID = $this->ID and Date >= CURDATE()", "Date ASC", null, null);
In SS3, I have this:
$holder = ArticleHolder::get()->filter('URLSegment', 'meetings')->first();
return ($holder) ? ArticlePage::get()->filter(array('ParentID' => $holder->ID,'Date:GreaterThan' => '2013-01-07'))->sort('Date DESC') : false;
I'd like to replace the string '2013-01-07' with CURDATE() but SS3 does not like CURDATE() in that context and considers it an undefined function.
What's the best solution?
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