I'm trying to do an ajax request to a custom controller, but the renderWith keeps looking for the template on the Simple theme as opposed to current theme. Obviously it's using the one set _config, but doesn't that defeat the purpose of the selctable theme in the back end? Is this a feature or a bug?
Further more when calling something like:
$vd = new ViewableData();
return $vd->customise(array(
"Title" => "MLS Search Results",
"Query" => $communitySearch." priced between ".$min." and ".$max." with more than ".$bed." bedrooms and ".$bath." bathrooms.",
"Results" => $set
I find the Page.ss tempalte portions don't render fully. I occaionally loose my custom Menu data in the Header.ss and I never get any of teh site data being pulled in Footer.ss
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