You put your keywords in the extra meta keywords.
There is no field for keywords anymore in ss31, if you like to use them you can put them in extrameta by using the full tag.
Or you can create your own field and controller method (which can be called from the template) to do this.
<meta name="keywords" content="Fundraising, Fundraiser, Fülle, Freiheit, Philanthropie, Philanthrop, Impact Investment, Nachhaltigkeit, Nachhaltige Investitionen, Nachhaltige Projekte, Non-Profit-Organisationen, Spenden, Schöpfer, out of the box, neue Wege, Mut, Vernetzen, Querdenker, Kommunikator, Kommunikation, Botschaften, Wirkung, Verhandler, Verhandlungen, Vermittler, vermitteln, Eigenverantwortung,win-win" />
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