i am trying to get and manipulate an image object (SS3.1) within a function.
But $image = Image::get()->where("\"Name\" LIKE '%$filename%'"); wii return a DataList and not the image object itself.
Can anybody give a hint? Here is the complete function:
public static function imageByFilename(&$obj, $val, $record){
$filename = strtolower(Convert::raw2sql($val));
$image = Image::get()->where("LOWER(\"Name\") LIKE '%$filename%'");
if($filename && $image){
echo "IMAGE: ";echo "<pre>".var_dump($image)."</pre>"; die();
$image->ClassName = self::get_product_class_name().'_Image';
return $image;
return null;
Greetings from germany, Carsten.
I have inserted a foreach loop and now i get the image object. But i still get a server error at $image->write(); in imageByFilename().
What i want to do is: 1) write the ProduktbildID from my has_one relation to the Produkte.ProduktbildID field and 2.) alter the ClassName in File from Image to Produkte_Image.
Here is some code from my "class ProdukteCsvBulkLoader extends CsvBulkLoader"
public $relationCallbacks = array(
'File.Name' => array(
'relationname' => 'Image',
'callback' => 'imageByFilename'
public static function imageByFilename(&$obj, $val, $record){
$filename = strtolower(Convert::raw2sql($val));
$images = Image::get()->where("LOWER(\"Name\") LIKE '%$filename%'");
foreach($images AS $imageout) {
$image = $imageout;
if($filename && $image){
$image->ClassName = self::get_product_class_name().'_Image';
return $image;
return null;
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